The video discusses the disappearance and suspected murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian journalist and Washington Post columnist, who vanished after entering the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018. The video opens with the presenter, John Iadarola, providing context about Khashoggi's background and his criticisms of the current regime in Saudi Arabia, particularly Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Iadarola then presents various reports from sources like Vox, CNN, and The New York Times, which shed light on the events surrounding Khashoggi's disappearance. These reports reveal that Turkish security officials have concluded that the "highest levels of the royal court" in Saudi Arabia ordered Khashoggi's assassination. The video highlights that a 15-person team, including individuals identified as the chief of forensic evidence at Saudi Arabia's internal security agency, an officer in the Saudi special forces, and two members of the Saudi royal guard, flew from Saudi Arabia to Istanbul on the same day Khashoggi entered the Consulate. The video also reports that Khashoggi was killed within two hours of his arrival at the Consulate and that his body was dismembered with a bone saw. The video then shifts focus to the Saudi government's response to the accusations, stating that a Saudi official denied any involvement in Khashoggi's disappearance. This denial is contrasted with the Turkish government's assertion that they have specific evidence backing up their claims, which they haven't yet made public. The video discusses how the security footage from inside the Consulate was removed and taken back to Saudi Arabia on a private jet. This detail is juxtaposed with Saudi Consul General Mohammed al-Otaibi's claim that while the Consulate was equipped with cameras, they did not record footage of Khashoggi entering or leaving the building. Cenk Uygur, a co-host of The Young Turks, then joins Iadarola in the discussion. Uygur provides a more humorous, yet insightful, commentary on the situation, comparing the Saudi government's actions to the "old-school" tactics of dictatorships from the 1930s and 1940s. He also points out the audacity of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who, despite being a young prince in his 30s, has shown a brazen disregard for international norms and a willingness to use violence to silence dissent. Uygur highlights how bin Salman, emboldened by his connections to powerful figures in the US and Israel, seems to have felt immune to consequences. The video concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to become TYT members for exclusive content and to stay informed about this developing story. The video, through its detailed presentation of the reports and insightful commentary, provides a comprehensive overview of the Khashoggi case, highlighting the gravity of the situation and raising questions about the international community's response to such blatant acts of violence and disregard for human rights.